A Summer in Haiti
In Haiti, I experienced first-hand the dynamism,
the great variety of music, dance and art, and
the diverse blendings of religions in the Vaudou
All of these inspired me to compose the music
for my first opera, The Kingdom, which I based
on Alejo Carpentier's novel The Kingdom of this
World - and what I learned during my unforgettable
summer in Haiti, which I describe in this book.
intervals of clouds and sun This book can be read in any order, as when you reflect on what you see in the changing shapes of clouds. You may see something in the photograph on the front cover - if so, you may not be able to 'un-see' it - as it becomes a non-reversible perception. |

On this planet there are countries which are open,
and others which are closed.
The same principle applies (and there is a continual fight)
in the countries of the mind.
in the countries of the mind is a collection of 131 short texts and images, presented using the predictability of meteorological data. This liberates the reader to read the book in any order they want, as the order of the items is as predictable as the weather.
in the countries of the mind is part of a long tradition of books in which texts are illuminated/juxtaposed with images, whose combinations extend the travels of the mind. Like the weather, this book ignores national borders.
This book is the first in a new series from OCATILLO: scattering texts.
This series is a natural home for books which cannot fit into any other series, which is why they scatter all over the place, trying to escape Russell’s Paradox.
in the countries of the mind is part of a long tradition of books in which texts are illuminated/juxtaposed with images, whose combinations extend the travels of the mind. Like the weather, this book ignores national borders.
This book is the first in a new series from OCATILLO: scattering texts.
This series is a natural home for books which cannot fit into any other series, which is why they scatter all over the place, trying to escape Russell’s Paradox.